I agree with you completely. About 5 months ago I found Aimbot type hacks being offered on the dark web cutting through Valorant protection and the type of game play that occurs. A majority use the hacks, cheats, for location advantages, knowing exactly where you are going or hiding. A smaller majority use them for both location and aiming including shooting around corners!!! I have sent MANY complaints to Riot games with no response to my concerns. These cheats ruin the game, Riot is ignoring the rampant hacking, and the Aimbot type of hacks are making more money. If security was as tight as Riot claims then hacking programs would lose income and they won't tolerate that loss.
Finally, Valorant hasn't added one new map since I have been playing, only 2 chars and a couple of new skins...cheap!
IF I have to play alongside cheaters then I would rather play FORTNITE at least you have nice scenery, changing geography, new quests, chararcters, and more entertaining the Valorant.