Hello, and excuse me for my English if so, hope you'll understand. I am just started playing Valorant few days ago. I have no access to ranking matches (they said I need more played games) so I play fast spike planting and classic non-ranking games. Why I am often facing more skilled enemies then equal? And general question: why my team is losing almost every, dammit, time? Note when my team is losing there are alot cases when I am taking 1-2 place in my team by K/D (at least for considerable time in match). It's like matchmaking system brings some noobs like me to my team and some expirenced to their team. Or at least brings absolutely random players and not cares about their K/D, skill etc. How to deal with? Is ranking match more balanced or not? I am not too desired to start playing that way. Devs should do smth about it, the game is not freindly to newbies.