Whenever I play a team based online competitive game like counter strike, valorant, league of legends, etc, whenever a teammate criticizes something I do and I know they're wrong, I get so mad that I will literally throw the game just to spite them. To give an example, I was playing a game of valorant earlier today and I was top fragging and had half my team's kills. The bottom frag player starts talking shit to me in the mic because he doesn't like something I do. So I straight up tell him to shut his fucking mouth or I'm afking the game. But he keeps talking shit so I decide to afk and I make him lose the game, because fuck that guy. I know this is manchildish behavior but when someone pisses me off I want to hurt them in some form, and it feels like throwing the game is the only thing in my power that lets me hurt this individual. At the same time though, I do want to progress my rank. How can I have the best of both worlds?